The Center is open under CDC Guidelines. Visitors must social distance and wear masks!
Get Involved
Be a part of our work, help us help wildlife in need!
Become a valued partner in our work through your tax-deductible donation! This little skunk was not only orphaned, but also suffered a spinal injury. She relied on donations for her veterinary care, medications, and specialized formula. She was also given physical therapy every day. She had a full recovery and was released with her siblings! She relied on the generosity of our donors to have a second chance!
Sponsor a Resident or Clinic Patient
We consider our resident animals to be ambassadors from the wild. Unreleasable for many different reasons, they live their lives here, affording guests the opportunity to see them up close and learn more about them. We've been given the privilege of providing them as good a captive life as possible. If you'd like to participate in our work through annual sponsorship, we have different levels available:
Screech Owl - $50
Crow - $100
Barred Owl - $200
Turkey Vulture - $300
Silver Fox (2) - $400
Please email if interested in directing your donation towards sponsorshop of either resident or clinic patient!